28 Jun Anne Mandler and Nancy Duarte on Illuminate
Anne Mandler interviews Nancy Duarte on Illuminate for the Spring/Summer 2016 No. 2 of ANNE ANNE: I’m super excited today to be talking with Nancy Duarte of Duarte, Inc. Nancy, welcome. NANCY: Thanks for having me. ANNE: Thanks for being here. Our agency also helps entrepreneurs and businesses create messaging. What I’d love to chat with you about today is about your message and story, as well as your new book. I’ll take a moment to introduce you here. Nancy Duarte is a communication expert who’s been featured in several publications including Fortune, Forbes, and Fast Company. Her firm, Duarte, Inc., has created thousands of presentations for the world’s top institutions including Apple, Cisco, Facebook, GE, Google, and the World Bank as well as TED. She’s also the author...