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Focus Evolve Illuminate


Anne Mandler and Robert Chard discuss you have to figure out where you want to be for the Spring/Summer 2016 No. 2 of ANNEANNE: I have the lovely pleasure of having my dear friend and wonderful celebrity beauty guru and hairstylist, Robert Chard with me today. Robert is awesome, and I really want to share his work with you. He has a lot of great things to say about beauty, work life, and about taking something into your own hands and going with it. So today, we’re going to talk a little bit about his background and what he loves. So welcome, welcome, welcome.ROBERT: Thank you; excited to be here.ANNE: I’m going to talk a little bit about where you’ve been. So...

If you were to ask Nancy Duarte what her story was and how it was going, she'd most likely answer, "There has so much that has happened that I think it’s kind of exciting" and she has chronicled the journey of leadership through a new book she's co-authored called Illuminate.Nancy will also tell you that, as a leader herself, she didn't always know where her firm was going. It's with this in mind she has advice for new entrepreneurs and organizations just starting out.It All Starts With a DreamAnd doesn't it always feel that way? That's what the first phase of venture scape is. You have this dream, and I think that the dream has to be coupled with passion because it takes a lot of determination...

Deborah Lindsay interviews Anne Mandler in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNE.Hello, This is Deborah Lindsay with ANNE Magazine, and I have the very great pleasure of interviewing Anne Mandler, who is the Editor-In-Chief of ANNE Magazine. Good morning, Anne.ANNE MANDLER: Good morning, Deborah.vDEBORAH: It’s very nice to have this opportunity to talk with you.ANNE: Thank you, it is my pleasure.vDEBORAH: We are going to get started with asking some questions of you to find out about your inspiration for starting ANNE Magazine. And first, a little bit of information I want to give our listeners. Anne leads the organization, Anne Mandler, Inc. teaching how to design your life and business with passion and purpose. As a socialpreneur, she’s founded and...

Anna Wu shared in life and beauty, some things change and some stay the same in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNEANNE: You took over a business in your early 20s. What is the number one piece of advice you want to give others beginning businesses for the first time at any age?ANNA: I feel extremely lucky to have had the chance to “play house” with someone else’s business. I started as a receptionist at the first Faust Salon in the Capitola mall when I was a junior in college. I was stuck with the closing shift, which gave me a lot of free time on my hands, I decided to implement a working inventory system and started making little useful...

Anne Mandler Talks One on One with Jeannine Yoder in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNEJEANNINE: Hi Anne, everyone!ANNE: Yes, it’s wonderful to have you. Jeannine Yoder, I would like to introduce you and just thank you so much for being here. We are doing the premier issue of A Magazine, and I’m just thrilled to have you.JEANNINE: Thank you, I’m so excited for this magazine and you’re vision for it and that the premier is here. So, it’s such an honor to be a part of this big opening for you and for all of the viewers, so can’t wait to see what we dig into today.ANNE: Alright, me too. You never know what’s going to happen. So, what...

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