#Bliss - ANNE Magazine
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Anne Mandler Talks One on One with Jeannine Yoder in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNEJEANNINE: Hi Anne, everyone!ANNE: Yes, it’s wonderful to have you. Jeannine Yoder, I would like to introduce you and just thank you so much for being here. We are doing the premier issue of A Magazine, and I’m just thrilled to have you.JEANNINE: Thank you, I’m so excited for this magazine and you’re vision for it and that the premier is here. So, it’s such an honor to be a part of this big opening for you and for all of the viewers, so can’t wait to see what we dig into today.ANNE: Alright, me too. You never know what’s going to happen. So, what...

Anna Kunnecke shares Love Letters from your life in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNEEVERYTHING I DID IN MY BUSINESS TOTALLY BOMBED: THE STEADY STREAM OF NEW CLIENTS DRIED UP, I OFFERED CLASSES THAT NO ONE SIGNED UP FOR, AND I GOT WEIRD, NASTY HATE MAIL FROM PEOPLE ABOUT MY HORRIBLE BLOG THAT WAS SO STUPID AND LAME AND RUINING THEIR LIFE.A couple of years ago, I hit a rough patch.For a few months, I couldn’t catch my breath as I got pummeled by one disaster after another.Some were small, like the plumbing in my bathroom exploding (requiring hours and hours of laundry and cleanup). Some were big, like major things falling through and scary financial catastrophes.I had weird communication misses...

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