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Anne Mandler talks women and ecosystems with Watermark CEO Marlene Williamson for the Spring/Summer 2016 No. 2 of ANNE ANNE MANDLER: So, everyone on here this is Anne from Anne Magazine, annemagazine.com. With me is the lovely Marlene Williamson. Thank you for joining me today. MARLENE: My pleasure, Anne. ANNE: Marlene is the CEO of Watermark, and she has held a number of technology C-level roles and lots of other roles. I’m going to name a couple but I’m not going to go over your lengthy bio because you’re very busy. MARLENE: It would take too long. ANNE: You’re so impressive. You were at Alfresco, BigMachines, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (sold to Western Digital), and then prior to that, you were a VP of global marketing at Ericsson,...

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