#Happiness - ANNE Magazine
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Deborah Lindsay interviews Anne Mandler in the Premiere Fall 2015 No. 1 of ANNE.Hello, This is Deborah Lindsay with ANNE Magazine, and I have the very great pleasure of interviewing Anne Mandler, who is the Editor-In-Chief of ANNE Magazine. Good morning, Anne.ANNE MANDLER: Good morning, Deborah.vDEBORAH: It’s very nice to have this opportunity to talk with you.ANNE: Thank you, it is my pleasure.vDEBORAH: We are going to get started with asking some questions of you to find out about your inspiration for starting ANNE Magazine. And first, a little bit of information I want to give our listeners. Anne leads the organization, Anne Mandler, Inc. teaching how to design your life and business with passion and purpose. As a socialpreneur, she’s founded and...

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